Tao Of Chip Kelly

Tao Of Chip Kelly

Win the day. 
"The only day we worry about is today."
The big time is where you are at
Play Fast. Play Hard. Finish
The Faceless, Nameless Opponent

Improving Execution
We don't stop and explain things, everyone has to learn on the fly...
Best ability is dependability 
Process over outcome

Coaches focus on the big picture, players focus on the small details 
Everyone knows who the starters should be
Constant repetition leads to constant execution
The starters are always chosen by the performance and never by the coach
What matters is what the players know

"I hear I forget
I see I remember
I do I understand
I do a 100 times I execute."

Breaking Bad...
"Bad habits are are burned into our minds over time."

"If you accept it, then you should expect it."
"Teach to the fastest learner, everyone else has to catch up."
"The weakest link will never define the strength of the chain."
"Once you stop thinking the pressure goes away."

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