Success Is A Choice By Rick Pitino

Success Is A Choice By Rick Pitino

What I Have Learned From Rick Pitino

  • Success is a choice
  • Successful teams do what unsuccessful teams won't do
  • Discipline is a game plan of attack
  • Discipline yourself so that no else has to

Insights On Coaching By Rick Pitino
  1. Are we the hardest working team in America?
  2. True motivation is understanding the process for success
  3. Hope leads to desire, desire leads to success
  4. I don’t know?  Is the classic sign of the underachiever
  5. Discipline is the starting line to the finish line
  6. Discipline is an organized plan of attack
  7. Without discipline we go in many directions, cover the same territory and waste time and energy
  8. Goals bring purpose to our effort, a sense of direction
  9. Purpose is a motive
  10. Everyone is conditioned to settle for less
  11. Under achievers believe that their dreams are out of reach, are not responsible for their performance and will resort to blaming others for their mistakes
  12. Goals vs. Dreams (Now vs. Then)
  13. Dreams are the prize after the struggle
  14. Goals are the day by day blueprint, the incremental improvement that connect dreams to the process to the results
  15. Always set continuous demanding goals
  16. Goals are the steps we take towards our dreams
  17. Achieving something everyday adds up to long term success
  18. Always confront weaknesses, excuse makers, procrastinators
  19. Tomorrow means success never comes
  20. Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve
  21. Working hard vs. Liking to work hard
  22. Pressure vs. Stress
  23. Greatness comes in response to intense pressure
  24. Pressure is competition, something at stake, demanding more, constant striving, fear of failure
  25. Persistence makes us great, reaches our dreams, performs at full potential and conditions us to win
  26. Actions + Non-actions = future
  27. Repetition overcomes adversity
  28. Never rest on success
  29. Yesterday’s accomplishments vs. Tomorrow’s goals
  30. Become more successful every year

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