Legend Of Bob Ladoceur

Legend Of Bob Ladoceur

What I Have Learned From Bob Ladoceur

What's Most Important
  • My background is a constant reminder that football is not the most important thing in life. I hope to get that through to the kids to help make them better individuals. Don’t get me wrong, football is important, but it should be fun also.”

We Are Not Counting Wins
  • "We are not counting wins," "We're counting on (the players) improving every week, & that's how we have always approached it." -Bob Ladoceur
Playing Better Than You Are...
  • "All I ask is that you play better than you are.  As an individual and as a team, play better than you are.  And for you to play better than you are means you are not just playing for yourself.  You are playing for the player on each side of you, on the other side of the ball, your coaches, your fans.  and we can't do this unless we have love." -Bob Laudoceur

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