Bill Belichick

Bill Belichick

What I Have Learned From Bill Belichik

  1. There is no I in TEAM but there is one in WIN.
  2. Each person must do their job for the team to win.
  3. Do your job!
  4. The game is play up the middle from the inside out.
  5. Never let them inside.  Use inside leverage.
  6. Defense is forcing, backside, setting the edge, tackling, setting the edge, defending the deep play,
  7. Downhill mentality.  No negative plays.
  8. an edge in a world where everyone was so evenly matched that any edge might determine the outcome."
  9. Anybody in this league can go out and make a play or two – there's plenty of talent on the field. But if you want to be a good team you have to sustain it play-after-play, week-after-week. That's the big challenge.
  10. winning and losing
    "When you win everything isn't great. Usually when you lose everything isn't terrible. A lot of times when you lose, you just didn't do enough good things to win. It wasn't like everything was bad. When you win everything is not good. There are mistakes in wins, too. The longer you play, the longer you coach, the more you realize that. There's a fine line. You just have to do as many things right as you possibly can to give yourself the best chance, but ultimately there is room for improvement every week.”
  11. being called "the best coach in the NFL"
    "I don't really care about that. I'm really concerned about what our team does. We all have a job to do here—players, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, everybody—and our focus is to try to put the best team on the field and to be competitive. Obviously, I appreciate a compliment, but what it comes down to is how our team performs against the opponent that we're playing against. There are a lot of things in this game that I can't do, and there are a lot of things in this game that other players, or other coaches, can't do either. They just have to do their job."
  12. "Practice preparation becomes game reality."
  13. the essence of a team "I think it's more a function of the team than it is the individual. The essence of a team is that you really want to do something because all your friends and teammates are counting on you. You don't want to let the other guy down. It's more of a military philosophy. Any team that's good, that's really where the motivation is. In the end, when you have a commitment to each other, that's really where the power is."
  14. speeches "Short speeches make long friendships. I learned that a long time ago."
  15. teamwork "Teamwork is the ability for you to count on somebody else, and them to count on you. Whether it's two people or 100 people, it's all the same. We have a term: 'One die, all die.' If somebody makes a mistake, everybody pays a price."
  16. It is better to be prepared and never have the opportunity than to have the opportunity and not be prepared."
  17. two things about himself "I think you can always say two things about me. Pressure does not bother me. And I'm not afraid to make decisions."
  18. what he talks about before the game "We talk about winning. We talk about doing what we need to do to win. That's what we talk about. We talk about the game plan. We talk about the strategy. We talk about what we need to do to win. That's what we talk about before every game."
  19. It's not about being vindicated. It's about making progress. At the beginning of minicamp, it was, 'How can we have a better minicamp?' During training camp, it was, 'How can we have a better training camp?' When the season began, it was about being better tomorrow, being better next week, how can we correct our mistakes. That's all I've worried about."

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