Coach Krzykewski

What I Have Learned From Coach K

Coach K

  1. First team meeting message
  2. The start of a new team…everyone here is special, we look forward to coaching everyone of you
  3. There is no room for jealousy
  4. Fair but not equal
  5. Giving everyone equal playing time is not fair to the team
  6. Maintaining is more difficult than attaining success
  7. Attain, Maintain & Sustain
  8. Sometimes a loss can be a win.  Sometimes a win can be a loss
  9. One player with heart inspires the entire team.  The one element that set off the reaction, the chemistry of the team
  10. Where will the heart be on this team?
  11. Perform with excellence at a moment’s notice
  12. Direct communication.  Always look your teammates in the eyes.  Honesty and truth are always spoken.  Instant belief is the key
  13. No matter what happens, it’s my team, and everything is my responsibility
  14. Never accept mediocrity at practice
  15. Leadership sets the stage for the next moment, the next day, the next everything
  16. Every game we play must be a masterpiece
  17. The Fist
  18. Leadership shared, confidence shared
  19. Who is the team communicator?  Who is the heart of the team?
  20. The signature
  21. Always keep coming
  22. Play hard the entire game
  23. Leaders show the face the team needs to see
  24. Leadership is about winning the moment
  25. Only an ordinary team would be satisfied with a big win.
  26. And in the next game an ordinary team cannot beat a great team
  27. An ordinary team would be unable to recover from a big loss
  28. The next game is always bigger
  29. The big game is the one you lose
  30. A legacy connecting the past to the present and the present to the future
  31. Defeat can be the key to future victory
  32. How does a person show respect for anything?  Time
  33. “We have the rest of are lives to do what we want to do.  We only have a few short years to do something no one wants to do.”
  34. Only a few teams each year really believe they can win it all
  35. We have to be one of the teams who believe they can win it all
  36. Crises appear to show everyone how much we need each other
  37. 3 Systems: Attacking, Defending and Communication
  38. Rules vs. Standards
  39. Team pride vs. Personal pride
  40. Context vs. Perspective
  41. Emotional training
  42. Strengthening the heart through touching stories

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