Special Ones

Special Ones = Championship Coaches

"Success always leaves clues, and no one goes searching for them."

Coaches To Be Studied Are:
John Wooden, Phil Jackson, Geno Auriemma, Dan Gable, Bill Bowerman, Pete Carroll, Pat Summit, Rick Pitino, Mike Krzyzewski, John Calipari, Jose Mourinho, Chip Kelly, Sue Enquist, Vince Lomardi, Jimmy Johnson, Alex Ferguson, Tim Galloway, Bill Parcells, Bobby Bowden, Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Bear Bryant, Woody Hayes, Bo Schembechler, Bobby Knight, Muffet McGraw, Jim Tressel, Tom Coughlin, Brian Kelly, Rinus Michels, Dean Smith, Pat Riley, Red Auerbach, Joe Paterno, Don Shula, Tony Dungy, Bill Belichik, Greg Popovich, Bob Stoops, Augie Garrido, Scotty Bowman, Les Miles, Jim Calhoun...

Pyramid Of Success Philosophy By John Wooden
"Striving for championships is just as important as winning them." -John Wooden
"Talent is God given- be humble. Fame is man given- be grateful. Conceit is self given- be careful."

Win Forever Philosophy By Pete Carroll
To do it better than it has ever been done before
To be the only one doing it

Competition is everything
Something good is about to happen
Competition is the driving force for success
Relentless pursuit of a competitive edge
Competition is realizing how much you have inside of you
We only focus on what we can become
We will come to a point where we know we are going to win
No whining, no excuses, no complaining
Everyday we are on course to win
Finish everything
We are going to have the most fun
We condition at full speed to train at full speed to play at full speed
We never do what we don't do well
Everything counts

Next Man In Philosophy By Brian Kelly
Winning is never the scoreboard. Winning is always our performance 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The first priority of success is to stop the details of losing.
When the starting quarterback goes down we will have a #2 & #3 who are ready to lead us to victory.
We do not have a 5 year plan. We have a 5 minute plan.
In order to start winning you have to first stop losing.
There are winning tendencies and losing tendencies and only the great ones recognize the difference.
Coaches must give their players the gift of their confidence.
When a coach finally believes in their coaching, only then they will believe in their players.
Only the highest expectations, the highest standards, and the highest effort can lead to success.
Every coach must define the vision, dreams, goals & mission of the team
Standards 2nd to none
The great teams work on winning everyday.
We can't start winning until we stop losing.
Players must listen with their eyes.
No matter what happens we expect the next player on the field to be as good or better than the last player.

How Good Do You Want To Be Philosophy By Nick Saban
We want to be champions in everything we do
We want to be an overachieving team
We want to be relentless competitors
Everyone must get out of themselves and into the team
We are either coaching it or letting it happen
4th Quarter Program
The first rep is always the most important rep
We are not defending a championship
Every success brings with it a new set of problems
I think of our program as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense

The Competitive Cauldron Philosophy By Anson Dorrance
Competition is the key to developing players
Average to good, good to great, and then great to dominate
Competition shows our character in action
Constant player improvement is the cornerstone of great programs
Fight through every comfort zone to get to the next level
Always respect your opponent by crushing them
The way we do things is our tradition
The pregame warm-up is everything
Leadership is the quality that drives our core values
We are the way we choose to spend out time
Each player must be responsible for victory
Respect for each other always comes from character and never from performance
Person first, player second
The players standards are always in a comfort zone below their potential
Performance results are posted for all to see
Play to win everyday
Lose in practice. Win on game day.
Always keep score

The Pursuit Of Perfection Philsophy By Geno Auriemma
We are either coaching it or letting it happen.
What does 70 wins in a row do for us if we lose tomorrow?
The coach will tear you down. The game will build you back up.
Any record in history means nothing unless we accomplish our next goal which is to win the next game.
I am coaching for now and the future everyday.
Our focus is always on the next possession.

The Special One Philosophy By Jose Mourinho
Players count for nothing. The team is everything.
The team is more important than the player.
Transition wins championships.
We are experts until we are given responsibility.
The surprise factor is the key to set play execution.
The key to execution is organization.
The emphasis of training should be always tactical.
There is always something to say to the team.
Nothing in the game is left to chance.

Teamwork Philosophy By Rinus Michels
The team is the star.
To win a championship game you need to take the initiative.
Everything that looks easy in sports is difficult to achieve.

The Winner's Philosophy By Jim Tressel
"My goal is to win games. But what is my purpose going to be?" -Jim Tressel

Sir Alex Ferguson Philosophy
"Coaching is controlling the game." -Sir Alex Ferguson

Brazilian Simplicity By Carlos Alberton Parreria
"It takes a lifetime to simplify the game." -Carlos Alberto Parreria

A Winning Mentality By Anson Dorrance
The winning mentality is partly optimism, but mostly it’s a combination of focus, pride, competitive anger, relentlessness, hardness, fitness and courage--all the most descriptive words for competitive athletics.  This type of mentality is not about your skills or tactics.  What it comes down to is intense desire.  To get this winning edge, you need to build an indomitable will.  This means you must be relentless; you must never give up.

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