Thursday, March 27, 2014

Breaking Bad

"A great coach turns bad habits into great habits."

Rumi On Sports


Your task is not to seek for success,
but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that
you have built against it. --Rumi

Load The Ship & Risk The Ocean
Load the ship and set out.
No one knows for certain whether
the vessel will sink or reach the harbor.
Cautious people say,
"I'll do nothing until I can be sure".
Merchants know better.
If you do nothing, you lose.
Don't be one of those merchants
who wont risk the ocean. -Rumi

I'll Meet You There
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and right doing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.

Looking For Success?
When you come looking for success,
your bag will be examined
to see how much it can hold;
it will be filled accordingly.

Two Wings To Fly
Life turns you from one feeling to another 
and teaches you by means of opposites, 
so that you will have two wings to fly - not one.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Truth Knocks

"It is a puzzling thing. Truth knocks on the door and you say,
'Go away, I'm looking for the truth.' 
and so it goes away. Puzzling. -Robert M. Pirsig

Planning Is Everything

Plans are nothing.
Planning is everything."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

A Dream

"A dream is not the thing that you see in your sleep.
A dream is the thing that will not let you sleep."
-Abdul Kalam

Next Man In

How Are We Going To Replace The Replacements Of The Replacements?


Win The Day

 “Most Battles Are Won Before They Are Fought.” –Sun Tzu, 550 BC

Win every battle leading up to the game
Win the battle of preparation
Win the battle of focus
Win the battle of nutrition
Win the conditioning
Win the practice
Win the decisions made off the field
No incidents, no distractions, no surprises
Win the classroom
Win the battle of the offseason
Discipline, Mental Toughness, Selflessness, Community, Sisterhood
Win taking the field
Win the warm-ups

The Brick Wall

Brick Wall

“The brick wall is there not to keep you out, but to show you how bad you really want it.”

–Randy Pausch

Losers vs. Winners

Winners vs. Losers

Winners accept responsibility, 
losers place the blame

Winners credit luck to hard work, 
losers to bad breaks

Winners train when no one else is watching, 
losers never make the time

Winners make commitments and set goals, 
losers makes promises and never follows through

Winners are coach-able, 
losers repeat the same mistakes again

Winners know they can always improve, 
losers think they are not as bad as others

Winners would rather be respected than like, 
losers would rather be liked than respected because 
they know that haven’t work hard enough to be respected

Winners hate losing, losers are rarely bothered by it

Winners place the team first & themselves last, 
losers place themselves first &everything else 2nd.

Winners are open to challenge, 
losers shutdown and think they are being picked on

Winners look forward and learn from the past, 
losers look back and relive past failures

Winners understand failure and move ahead, 
losers fear failure and hold back 

Which One Am I Today?

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