Your task
is not to seek for success,
but merely
to seek and find
all the
barriers within yourself that
you have built
against it. --Rumi
Load The
Ship & Risk The Ocean
Load the
ship and set out.
No one
knows for certain whether
the vessel
will sink or reach the harbor.
people say,
do nothing until I can be sure".
know better.
If you do
nothing, you lose.
Don't be
one of those merchants
who wont
risk the ocean. -Rumi
I'll Meet You There
Out beyond ideas of
and right doing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.
Looking For Success?
When you come
looking for success,
your bag will be examined
to see how much it can hold;
it will be filled accordingly.
Two Wings To Fly
Life turns you from
one feeling to another
and teaches you by means of opposites,
so that you will
have two wings to fly - not one.